We are all social beings, and there is no person on the planet who has not at least once communicated with someone in one of various ways. We need connections and a sense of belonging. Why communication and socialization are so important for us?
We are all social beings, and there is no person on the planet who has not at least once communicated with someone in one of various ways. We need connections and a sense of belonging. Why communication and socialization are so important for us?
We are all social beings, and there is no person on the planet who has not at least once communicated with someone in one of various ways. We need connections and a sense of belonging. Why communication and socialization are so important for us?
Effective socialization and communication can radically improve our lives. Research shows that spending time with family or friends not only brings joy, but also benefits your mental and physical health. Communication not only relieves you of feeling lonely, but also improves your cognitive abilities, trains your memory, and increases your sense of happiness and well-being.
In the book “Blue Zones” by Dan Buettner, a team of scientists did a study on life longevity. Scientists have found out the basic rules for the life longevity of people living in some places on the planet where there is the largest number of long-livers. Communication and active social life, regular spending time with family and friends turned out to be one of the main rules that unite the lifestyle of the studied people in different parts of the planet.
In some cases, just talking to a friend can replace a session with a psychotherapist, since speaking out loud about your problem or concern about something already has a therapeutic effect. And also quite often, insights or options for resolving problems can come to you precisely in the process of giving voice to your problem.
An important role in socialization plays the community and communication with people that have similar interests. Therefore, occasional offline activities or online group sessions can enhance the effect by increasing your sense of belonging and reducing anxiety. Also, effective communication skills and meditation will help you manage your stress levels.
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