Home Yoga Practice

How to start regular home yoga practice?

Before you start your home yoga practice you need to understand for yourself what your goals and motives are, and what you plan to get from the practice.

Home Yoga Practice Preview / Yoga

Before you start your regular home yoga practice, you need to understand for yourself what your goals and motives are, and what you plan to get from the practice. Perhaps the main motivation is to eliminate the stress of sticking to a schedule, getting through traffic and rushing, finding a free space for your mat if you’re practicing in a group, and saving time and effort on getting into a new daily habit. Agree, if you exclude all these irritating factors, regular yoga practice becomes more real.

How to Start Your Home Yoga Practice?

Check out with contraindications and minimal preparation. There are not so many contraindications for yoga: injuries or serious illnesses, as well as menstruation or pregnancy – in this case, choose the appropriate set of asanas for yourself. The most necessary rules for beginners include the following:

  • do not eat tightly for an hour and a half before class; you can eat fruit, yogurt, and everything that is digested easily and quickly (within 15-20 minutes);
  • in the morning and in the afternoon it is better to practice active asana sequences, warming up the body, sequences emphasizing backbends, in the evening – slow, and calm, preparing you for sleep, with an emphasis on forward bends.
  • practice on a soft, comfortable mat, choose environmental friendly if possible;
  • clothes should be soft, not too tight, so that you can fully breathe in it and freely perform twists and bends;
  • take care in advance to remove all distractions (turn off the phone, send pets to another room, ask relatives not to disturb you);
  • ventilate the room well: you will have to breathe actively.

Breath is the Foundation of Yoga!

In everyday life, we use the volume of our lungs just partially. This is due to constant rush, stress, anxiety, incorrect posture while sitting and wearing tight clothing. Deep slow breathing is the basis of yoga! Such breath promotes deep relaxation of the mind and body. Deep yogic breathing is the easiest way to relieve mental stress.

Why Do Yoga?

The motives and reasons for starting a yoga practice can be very different for everyone, whether it is a desire to recover from chronic diseases or get rid of the effects of constant stress or depression. For some, yoga is a tool for losing weight and keeping the body in good shape, and for some, a way to slow down and be alone with yourself. Several studies have noted that yoga can reduce inflammation in the body, as well as keep the spine and joints healthy and mobile, which is primarily the basis of overall health. At the same time, it is worth remembering that yoga is not a universal way to cure all diseases.

Home Yoga Practice / Yoga

What Do You Need to Start Doing Yoga at Home?

  • Choose a quiet and comfortable place in your home, fairly spacious so that nothing will disturb or distract you from your practice, without drafts and preferably not on the aisle. You will also need a yoga mat and a couple of blocks, if you wish, you can purchase a bolster and put a blanket next to the mat for a more comfortable practice of relaxation and meditation.
  • Set realistic goals, start from a little, so that the body gradually gets used to the physical load, and the brain gradually develops a new habit of daily practice.
  • Start with the practice of yoga for beginners, gradually moving to more advanced asanas. For beginners, it is good to master basic breathing exercises and the Sun Salutation complex.

How to Keep Motivated to Practice Yoga Regularly?

Organizing home practice is only half the way. In order for the practice to become regular, it is necessary to develop a habit and establish a daily ritual, such as brushing teeth or morning coffee. Perhaps it will be useful to review your daily routine and abandon those activities that do not bring any benefit but take up a lot of time, for example, scrolling through social networks or watching TV.

But the main key to regular practice is being honest with yourself and understanding your true needs. Learn to listen to your body and give it exactly what it needs now. Sometimes it can be a strength practice, and sometimes the body needs rest and relaxation, then you can do Yin Yoga, light stretching or meditation.

An excellent way to motivate yourself to practice regularly is to involve a friend or relative in practicing yoga together. As usually happens in all cases, the most difficult thing is to roll the mat and start the class. Even on the most difficult days, when there is absolutely no power and desire to practice, after practice you feel gratitude and joy.

Set Up a Place at Home for Regular Yoga Practice

When you set up a certain place in the house for practice, where no one and nothing will distract you from it, this contributes to more frequent classes. You just need to get on the mat and start! You should be comfortable and nothing should interfere with your movements in all planes, there should be no draft or other distracting factors. You can equip your place for practice with your favorite things, attributes, candles, pillows for a more comfortable practice. This place should be associated with calmness, balance, comfort and health.

If you are still at a dead end and don’t know how to motivate yourself to continue practicing, plan to treat yourself with some new yoga gear, let it be a new mat, comfortable eco-friendly yoga clothes, or a meditation pillow. Create challenges for yourself, plan a program – this will allow you to acquire a new useful habit and regular home yoga practice.